2014年9月-2017年7月 中国科学院 数学与系统科学研究院 运筹学与控制论专业 理学博士
2012年9月-2014年7月 中国科学院 数学与系统科学研究院 运筹学与控制论专业 硕博连读
2008年9月-2011年7月 清华大学 电机工程与应用电子技术系 电气工程专业 工学硕士
2004年9月-2008年7月 浙江大学 电气工程学院 电子信息工程专业 工学学士
2022年1月-至今 中央财经大学 统计与数学学院 运筹与计算科学系 副教授
2021年9月-至今 中央财经大学 统计与数学学院 应用数学方向 硕士研究生导师
2017年7月-2021年12月 中央财经大学 统计与数学学院 运筹与计算科学系 讲师
1. 图论 2. 离散数学 3. 网络博弈 4. 组合优化 5. 算法设计与分析
唐中正,刁卓 《赋权图的三角形覆盖数与匹配数研究》 北京邮电大学出版社 2023
刁卓 《自私路由博弈中的网络结构和均衡效率研究》 经济科学出版社 2020
28. Zhongzheng Tang; Haoyang Zou; Zhuo Diao(*)
A sharp lower bound on the independence number of k-regular connected hypergraphs with rank R
Acta Informatica, 62(1), Article number: 5,2025
27. Zhongzheng Tang; Haoyang Zou; Zhuo Diao(*)
Approximation Algorithms on Linear Equalities and Inequalities Mod p
Communications in Computer and Information Science 2354 : 47-57, 2025
26. Zhongzheng Tang; Yaxuan Li; Zhuo Diao(*)
Some Combinatorial Algorithms on the Edge Cover Number of k-Regular Connected Hypergraphs
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14637 :284-295, 2024
25. Zhongzheng Tang; Zhuo Diao(*)
Characterizing the Extremal k-Girth Graphs on Feedback Vertex Set
Journal of the Operations Research Society of China
https://doi.org/10.1007/s40305-023-00483-3(online), 2023
24. Zhongzheng Tang; Zhuo Diao(*)
Approximation Algorithms on k-Correlation Clustering
Journal of the Operations Research Society of China, 11 (4) : 911-924, 2023
23. Zhuo Diao(*); Zhongzheng Tang
Some Combinatorial Algorithms on the Dominating Number of Anti-rank k Hypergraphs
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14462 :364-376, 2023
22. Zhongzheng Tang; Haoyang Zou; Zhuo Diao(*)
On the Matching Number of k-Uniform Connected Hypergraphs with Maximum Degree
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13933 :71-84, 2023
21. Zian Chen; Bin Chen; Zhongzheng Tang; Zhuo Diao(*)
A sharp upper bound for the transversal number of k-uniform connected hypergraphs with given size
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization , 45 (1), Article number: 37, 2023
20. Zhongzheng Tang; Yucong Tang; Zhuo Diao(*)
Characterizing 3-uniform linear extremal hypergraphs on feedback vertex number
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization , 44 (5) : 3310-3330, 2022
19. Zhongzheng Tang; Zhuo Diao(*)
Triangle packing and covering in dense random graphs
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization , 44 (4) : 3153-3164, 2022
18. Xujin Chen; Zhuo Diao(*); Xiaodong Hu
On weak Pareto optimality of nonatomic routing networks
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization , 44 (3) : 1705-1723, 2022
17. Zhongzheng Tang; Zhuo Diao(*)
Some New Results on Gallai Theorem and Perfect Matching for k-Uniform Hypergraphs
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13595 :325-332, 2022
16. Zian Chen; Bin Chen; Zhongzheng Tang; Zhuo Diao(*)
On the Transversal Number of k-Uniform Connected Hypergraphs
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13513 :376-387, 2022
15. Zhongzheng Tang; Zhuo Diao(*)
On the Transversal Number of Rank k Hypergraphs
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13461 :162-175, 2022
14. Zhongzheng Tang; Zhuo Diao(*)
Approximation Algorithms on k-Cycle Transversal and k-Clique Transversal
Journal of the Operations Research Society of China, 9 (4) : 883-892, 2021
13. Zhuo Diao(*): On the Vertex Cover Number of 3-Uniform Hypergraph
Journal of the Operations Research Society of China, 9 (2): 427-440 , 2021
12. Zhongzheng Tang; Yucong Tang; Zhuo Diao(*)
On the Feedback Number of 3-Uniform Linear Extremal Hypergraphs
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13135 :687-700, 2021
11. Zhongzheng Tang; Zhuo Diao(*)
Packing and Covering Triangles in Dense Random Graphs
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12577 :426-439, 2020
10. Zhuo Diao; Zhongzheng Tang(*)
Approximation Algorithms for Balancing Signed Graphs
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12290 :399-410, 2020
9. Zhuo Diao(*): On the Feedback Number of 3-Uniform Hypergraphs
ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS (CHINA)(数学进展),49 (1) : 13-19 , 2020
8. 刁卓(*): 不确定性自私路由模型的理论和应用. 运筹学学报,23 (1) : 119-126 , 2019
7. Xujin Chen; Zhuo Diao(*); Xiaodong Hu; Zhongzheng Tang
Covering Triangles in Edge-Weighted Graphs
Theory of Computing Systems , 62 (6): 1525-1552 , 2018
6. Xujin Chen(*); Zhuo Diao; Xiaodong Hu
Network Characterizations for Excluding Braess's Paradox
Theory of Computing Systems , 59 (4): 747-780 , 2016
5. Xujin Chen(*); Zhuo Diao; Xiaodong Hu; Zhongzheng Tang
Total Dual Integrality of Triangle Covering
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10043 :128-143, 2016
4. Xujin Chen(*); Zhuo Diao; Xiaodong Hu; Zhongzheng Tang
Sufficient Conditions for Tuza's Conjecture on Packing and Covering Triangles
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9843 :266-277, 2016
3. Xujin Chen; Zhuo Diao(*)
Network Topologies for Weakly Pareto Optimal Nonatomic Selfish Routing
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9797 :27-38, 2016
2. Xujin Chen(*); Zhuo Diao; Xiaodong Hu
Excluding Braess's Paradox in Nonatomic Selfish Routing
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9347 :219-230, 2015
1. 刁卓(*),孙旭东: 全桥双向 DC/DC 变换器移相控制策略的改进.
电力电子技术, 45(9): 72-73,87, 2011
2020.1-2022.12: 国家自然科学基金 青年基金项目 项目主持人
No.11901605 不确定性自私路由模型的理论和应用
2019.1-2021.12: 国家自然科学基金 青年基金项目 项目参与人
No.71801232 基于领域知识的标签聚合学习问题研究及其在商务分析中的应用
中国工业与应用数学学会会员 中国运筹学会会员 中国计算机学会会员