报告题目:Like Attracts Like? A Semi-supervised Probabilistic Ensemble for Online Review Spammers Detection
方式:线上腾讯会议(会议码:659 914 083)
报告摘要:Review spammers can harm the trustworthy environment of online platforms by purposefully posting unauthentic ratings and comments for products or the online merchants. Though a vast majority of methods have been proposed to resolve the spammer detection issues in online platforms, several challenges such as the label scarcity and possible collusion between reviewers are still persistent, which limits the detection performances and the adaptations of the methods for the evolving cheating tactics of spammers. Building on the phenomenon of collusive spamming behaviors and the homophily theory, we introduce a reviewer network to account for the explicit co-review relations, and then the partially labeled spammers can be incorporated in the reviewer network to aid the estimations of the unknown reviewers' authenticity in a probabilistic way, in which the challenges of the scarcity of spammer labels can be addressed. We then propose a semi-supervised probabilistic model by collectively modeling both the individual behavioral features and the reviewer network, in which the probability of a user being a spammer can be identified by both the individual features and the connection structure with the labeled spammers within the reviewer network. The empirical evaluations have demonstrated the effectiveness of the model, and the results also suggest that the reviewer network can play a vital role in improving the detection performances under different network conditions with respect to an appropriate weight.