2007年9月-2013年3月 北京邮电大学 管理科学与工程专业 博士学位
2023年12月-2024年12月 北京市发展改革委 挂职
2013年5月至今 中央财经大学统计与数学学院 教师
B. H. Ma, Yu-Shan Xue, etc., Stockformer: A Price-Volume Factor Stock Selection Model Based on Wavelet Transform and Multi-Task Self-Attention Networks, Expert Systems With Applications, 2025, to appear. (SCI收录)
B. H. Ma, Yu-Shan Xue, etc., Meta-Learning Enhanced Trade Forecasting: A Neural Framework Leveraging Efficient Multi-commodity STL Decomposition, International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2024, 2024, 1-21. (SCI收录)
R. Chen, E.B. Li, Yu-shan Xue, etc., Spectral feature selection with the graphical lasso estimator for ultra-high dimensional Gaussian graphical models. Statistics and Its Interface, 18, 2024, 139-150. (SCI收录)
Yu-Shan Xue, etc., Enmsp: an elastic-net multi-step screening procedure for high-dimensional regression, Statistics and Computing, 34, 2024, 79. (SCI收录)
J. Chen, A. Zhou, Yu-Shan Xue*, Evolution of initial discontinuities in a particular case of two-step initial problem for the defocusing complex modified KdV equation, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 536, 2024, 128227. (SCI收录)
F. Yang, Z.Y. Li, Yu-shan Xue, etc., A penalized least product relative error loss function based on wavelet decomposition for nonparametric multiplicative additive models. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 432, 2023, 115299. (SCI收录)
J. Chen, E.B. Li, Yu-Shan Xue*, Complete classification of solutions to the Riemann initial value problem for the Hirota equation with weak dispersion term, Nonlinear analysis, 232, 2023, 113281. (SCI收录)
J. Chen, E.B. Li, Yu-Shan Xue*, Evolution of initial discontinuities in the Riemann problem for the Jaulent–Miodek equation with positive dispersion, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 419, 2022, 126869. (SCI收录)
Yu-Shan Xue, etc., Innovative Research of Financial Risk Based on Financial Soliton Theory and Big Data Ideation, ICIC 2017, Part III, LNAI 10363, 2017, 371–376. (EI收录)
X.D. Ma, Yu-Shan Xue*, On Checking Linear Dependence of ParametricVectors, ICIC 2017, Part II, LNCS 10362, 188–196, 2017. (EI收录)
D.S. Wang, Yu-Shan Xue, etc., Localized Nonlinear Matter Waves in One-Dimensional Bose-Einstein Condensates with Spatiotemporally Modulated Two-and Three-Body Interactions, Romanian Journal of Physics, 61, 2016, 827-841. (SCI收录)
L. Wang, Y.J. Zhu, Z.Q. Wang, Yu-Shan Xue, Asymmetric Rogue Waves, Breather-to-Soliton Conversion, and Nonlinear Wave Interactions in the Hirota-Maxwell-Bloch System, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 85(2), 2015, 024001-1-15. (SCI收录)
Yu-Shan Xue, etc., Integrability and optical solitons in a generalized inhomogeneous coupled Hirota-Maxwell-Bloch system, Optics and Laser Technology, 48, 2013, 153-159. (SCI收录)
Yu-Shan Xue, etc., Soliton interactions in a generalized inhomogeneous coupled Hirota-Maxwell-Bloch system, Nonlinear Dynamics, 67, 2012, 2799-2806. (SCI收录)
Yu-Shan Xue, etc., Darboux transformation and Hamiltonian structure for the Jaulent-Miodek hierarchy, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218, 2012, 11738-11750. (SCI收录)
Yu-Shan Xue, etc., Integrable nonlinear differential-difference hierarchy and Darboux transformation, Physica Scripta, 86, 2012, 045001: 1-6. (SCI收录)
Yu-Shan Xue, etc., Integrable aspects and soliton-like solutions of an inhomogeneous coupled Hirota-Maxwell-Bloch system in optical fibers with symbolic computation, Modern Physics Letters A, 25, 2010, 1365-1381. (SCI收录)
Yu-Shan Xue, etc., Soliton-like solutions of the coupled Hirota-Maxwell-Bloch system in optical fibers with symbolic computation, Physica Scripta, 79, 2009, 065016: 1-8. (SCI收录)
Yu-Shan Xue, etc., Darboux transformation and soliton solutions for inhomogeneous couplednonlinear Schrödinger equations with symbolic computation, Communications in Theoretical Physics, 52, 2009, 888-896. (SCI收录)
Yu-Shan Xue, etc., Solitons and localized excitations for the (2+1)-dimensional dispersive long wave system via symbolic computation, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 24, 2010, 3529-3541. (SCI收录)
T. Xu, etc., Yu-Shan Xue, Direct analysis of the bright-soliton collisions in the focusing vector nonlinear Schrödinger equation, Europhysics Letters, 92, 2010, 50002 (1-8). (SCI收录)
H.Q. Zhang, etc., Yu-Shan Xue, Ultrashort soliton pulses in the modified nonlinear Schrödinger equation with distributed coefficients in inhomogeneous fibers, European Physical Journal D, 59, 2010, 443-449. (SCI收录)
Yu-Shan Xue, etc., Soliton-like solutions of the coupled Hirota-Maxwell-Bloch system in optical fibers with symbolic computation, Physica Scripta, 79, 2009, 065016: 1-8. (SCI收录)
Yu-Shan Xue, etc., Darboux transformation and soliton solutions for inhomogeneous couplednonlinear Schrödinger equations with symbolic computation, Communications in Theoretical Physics, 52, 2009, 888-896. (SCI收录)
H.Q. Zhang, etc., Yu-Shan Xue, Darboux transformation and soliton solutions for the (2+1)-dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger hierarchy with symbolic computation, Physica A, 388, 2009, 9-20. (SCI收录)
W.J. Liu, etc., Yu-Shan Xue, Soliton interaction in the higher-order nonlinear Schrödinger equation investigated with Hirota's bilinear method, Physical Review E, 77, 2008, 066605 (1-7). (SCI收录)
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《“三创教育”实践项目数据处理分析与建模》,北京易知简教育科技有限公司, 项目号:
《基于大数据视角的国家海关进出口贸易的风险管控研究》,中央财经大学青年科研创新团队项目, 2023/05-2025/12,项目参与人,在研
《城投行业指标数据建设分析》,邦得数字(北京)科技有限公司, 项目号:021176122005,2022/8-2022/12,项目主持人,结题
《行业指标数据库建设》,邦得数字(北京)科技有限公司, 项目号:021176122002,2022/3-2022/7,项目主持人,结题
《智能模型开发应用项目》,深圳市联创杰科技有限公司, 项目号:021176122001,2022/1-2024/01,项目参与人,结题
《经济运行数据库编制》,建融投资咨询(北京)有限公司, 项目号:021176121011,2021/12-2022/6,项目主持人,结题
《“三创教育”实践项目测评数据的统计分析》,北京易知简教育科技有限公司, 项目号:021176121010,2021/11-2022/12,项目主持人,结题
《基于大数据分析的数学建模在体育运动中的科学选材研究》,中央财经大学青年科研创新团队项目, 2019/05-2022/9,项目主持人,结题
《非线性发展方程的可积性分析及孤子理论的解析研究》,国家自然科学基金, 项目号:11447233,2015/01-2015/12,项目主持人,结题
《若干非线性发展方程的可积性分析》,中央财经大学121人才工程青年博士发展基金, 项目号:QBJ1420,2014/06-2016/06,项目主持人,结题
《我国职业体育创新研究》,国家社会科学基金, 项目号:19BTY019,2019/07-2021/07,项目参与人,结题
《西城区常住人口调查及推算方法实证研究2019》,北京市西城区统计局, 项目号:横20202060,2019/03-2020/03,项目参与人,结题
《我国青少体育社会组织现状调查》,天津体育学院, 项目号:横20202151,2018/01-2020/09,项目参与人,结题
《腔体区域上电磁场散射问题的高效数值方法研究》,国家自然科学基金, 项目号:A011701,2013/01-2015/12,项目参与人,结题
《社交网络组织结构与信息传播功能的群表示研究》,国家自然科学基金, 项目号:11401602,2015/01-2017/12,项目参与人,结题
2019年5月 获得中央财经大学基础课教学奖
2018年5月 获得中央财经大学基础课教学奖
2017年4月 获中央财经大学第十一届青年教师教学基本功比赛二等奖
2016年6月 获得中央财经大学优秀班主任
2016年5月 获中央财经大学滋兰树蕙优秀教师奖
2016年4月 获得中央财经大学2015年度优秀教职工
2015年4月 获中央财经大学第十届青年教师教学基本功比赛二等奖
2014年6月 获得中央财经大学金钥匙文灯奖励基金—优秀教师奖