我院黄春妍教授与合作者美国布朗大学的Yan Guo教授,Benoit Pausader教授、瑞士苏黎世大学的Klaus Widmayer教授在国际顶级数学期刊Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics(简称CPAM)上发表了题为《On the stabilizing effect of rotation in the 3d Euler equations》的研究论文。该论文研究了常速度旋转对三维不可压欧拉方程的长时间非线性动力学效应,证明了对充分小的轴对称初值,解几乎整体存在稳定。这说明旋转会改善方程解的稳定性,且不需要考虑旋转的速度。
论文摘要:While it is well known that constant rotation induces linear dispersive effects in various fluid models, we study here its effect on long time nonlinear dynamics in the inviscid setting. More precisely, we investigate stability in the 3d rotating Euler equations in ℝ3 with a fixed speed of rotation. We show that for any M> 0, axisymmetric initial data of sufficiently small size lead to solutions that exist for a long time and disperse. This is a manifestation of the stabilizing effect of rotation, regardless of its speed. To achieve this we develop an anisotropic framework that naturally builds on the available symmetries. This allows for a precise quantification and control of the geometry of nonlinear interactions, while at the same time giving enough information to obtain dispersive decay via adapted linear dispersive estimates.
