[Publish Date]: 2015-01-15 [visited]: 344

The School consists of 4 departments, including Department of Economic Statistics, Department of Mathematical Statistics, Department of Applied Mathematics, and Department of Operations Research & Computing Science, 1 institute, that is Institute for Quantitative Economics, 2 laboratories, including Laboratory of Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) & Data Mining and Laboratory of Mathematics & Statistics, 2 research centers, that is, Research Center of Economic Data and Research Center of Statistics & Market Survey. The school is proud of its academic staff including 1 Yangtze River Scholars, 2 full professors, 2 experts enjoying the special government allowance,1 Beijing Outstanding Teacher, 1 Leading Figure for the New Century Award, 5 Beijing Young Talents, all of whom are well-known for their extraordinary achievements and hands-on experiences in both academy and teaching.