Faculty Overview

Lingyu Jiang

Lingyu JIANG
Associate  Professor
Address: Central University of Finance and Economics, School of Statistics and Mathematics, 39 Xue Yuan Nan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100081 P. R. China
Tel: 8610-62288657
Email: jiangly@cufe.edu.cn
Research Interest
1. Computer Aided Design
2. Partial Differential Equation
1994.9-1997.7  MSc in Mathematics, Northwestern University, Pure Mathematics
1990. 9-1997.7 Bachelor in Mathematics, Northwestern University, Pure Mathematics
2002.8- present  Central University of Finance and Economics
1997.7-2002.8   Academy of Equipment Command & Technology
1. Calculus (undergraduate)
2. Statistics(undergraduate)
3. Complex variables (undergraduate)
4. Integral transformation (undergraduate)
1. << Mathematics for Economical Management: Calculus>>, Tsinghua University press, 2012,co-editor.
1.       Jiang Lingyu, << On the global wellposedness of 3-D incompressible Navier-Stokes system>> , Sciences in China, 4 (2012), 341-352.
2.       Jiang, Lingyu and  Wang, Chao Global weak solutions to the compressible Navier-Stokes equations in the exterior domain with spherically symmetric data. Acta Appl. Math. 121 (2012), 197–211.
3. Jiang Lingyu and Wang Yidong, On the Blow Up Criterion for the 2-D Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 1 (2010), 195-209.

4.  Jiang Lingyu <<Some suggestions to popularize the course of Mathematics experients in
universities and colleges of liberal arts>>
, Pure Mathematics and its Applications, June, 2011.

1. 2006,  Basic course award of Central University of Finance and Economics;
2. 2010, Young excellent teacher award of golden key;
3. 2012, Zhilanshuhui Excellent teacher award of Central University of Finance and Economics;    
4. 2008, Excellent tutorship award for undergraduate mathematics contest of Beijing city.

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