报告题目:AnalogImage Estimation and Applications in Multispectral Image Super Resolution
报告人:Weihong Guo, Case WesternReserve University, USA
报告摘要:Frompictures taken by smart phones to x-ray pictures doctors use for diagnosis,images become an important part of our life. High quality images of variousdimensions are important for both visualization and analysis purpose. Imagesuper resolution algorithms aim at enhancing resolution of images obtained fromhard ware devices with limited resolution for better image quality. Differentfrom most of the existing approaches that focus on discrete modeling andcomputing, we study how to recover the analog image, the underlying intensityfunction defined on a continuous domain, which provides more details in moreflexible resolution. The idea is to find a “basis” that might be redundant torepresent the underlying intensity function and use known information to findthe coefficients of the basis. Various methods have been explored to accountfor modeling discrepancy. We will also present recent results on applying theidea to multispectral and hyperspectral imaging. Competitive numerical resultshave been obtained.
Theresults are based on collaboration with graduate student Richard Lartey andprofessors Liang-Jian Deng (UESTC, China), Jocelyn Chanussot and MauroDalla (Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France), Gemine Vivone (UNISA, Italy).
报告人简介:Weihong Guo is anAssociate Professor in Applied Mathematics at Case Western Reserve University,USA. She received the Ph.D. degree in Applied Math from University of Florida(USA) in 2007. She also received a Master’s degree in Statistics from the sameuniversity the same year. Her research interests include image reconstructionand image processing such as image super-resolution, image segmentation, imageregistration and their applications in medicine, biology, remote sensing,satellite imaging etc. Prof. Guo is an associate editor of the internationaljournal Inverse Problems and Imaging since 2012. She also served as an editorfor International Journal of Biomedical Imaging. She has published more than 30papers in various well-known international journals including SIAM J. ImagingSciences, Inverse Problems and Imaging, Information Sciences, Journal ofComputational and Applied Mathematics, IEEE Transactions on ImageProcessing, EEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology,Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Prof. Guo hasalso referred papers for more than 20 international journals and conferences.