报告题目:How Small Can a Sum of Roots of Unity Be?
报告摘要:In this talk,we count the number of ways to represent an element in a prime finite field as a sum of elements from different multiples of a small subset. More generally,we study the problem of solution counting of certain linear equations oversubsets of finite fields. We establish the basic properties about the number of solutions, and connect the number with lower bounds of complex norms of sums of roots of unity.
报告人简介:庄金成,山东大学网络空间安全学院教授、博士生导师。主要研究领域为理论计算机,算法数论,编码学和密码学。研究成果发表在 Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium, IEEE Transactions onInformation Theory, Designs Codes and Cryptography等会议文集和期刊。