Faculty Overview

Xiuwen Wu

SOURCE :      TIME:2015-01-17

Lecturer, Assistant Dean
Address: Central University of Finance and Economics, School of Applied Mathematics, 39 Xue Yuan Nan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100081 P. R. China
Tel: 8610-62288137
Fax: 8610-62288137
Email: cufewu@163.com
Research Interest
1. financial mathematics
2. the history of mathematics and the mathematical culture
2004.9-2007.6  PhD in Science, Chinese Academy of mathematics and systems Science,
2001.9-2004.7 MSc in Science, Liaoning Normal  University,
1997.9-2001.8 AB in Science, Beihua University,
2007.7-  Central University of Finance and Economics
1. Calculus (undergraduate course)
2. Probability and Statistics (undergraduate course)
3. Linear Algebra (undergraduate course)
4. Mathematical English (undergraduate course)
5. Financial Mathematics (undergraduate course)
Honors and Awards