Faculty Overview

Bo Sun

SOURCE :      TIME:2015-01-17

Bo Sun
Associate professor, Tutor of graduate students
Address: School of Statistics and Mathematics,
Central University of Finance and Economics,
39 South College Road,
Haidian District, Beijing, 100081, P. R. China.
Tel: 8610-62289149
Fax: 8610-62288420
Email: sunbo19830328@163.com
Main Research Interest
Nonlinear analysis, Differential equations, Dynamic systems etc. and application.
Education Background
September 2005-March 2009 Ph.D, School of Mathematics, Beijing Institute of Technology
September 2004-July 2005 Master, School of Mathematics, Beijing Institute of Technology
September 2000-July 2004 Bachelor of Science, School of Mathematics, Beijing Institute of Technology
Work experience
July 2009-present Teacher in School of Statistics and Mathematics,
Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, China.
Recent Papers (partly)
1. Bo Sun and Weigao Ge, Existence and iteration of positive solutions for some p-Laplacian boundary value problems, Nonlinear Analysis, 67 (2007) 1820–1830. (SCI, EI)
2. Bo Sun and Weigao Ge, Successive iteration and positive pseudo-symmetric solutions for a three-point second-order p-Laplacian boundary value problems, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 188 (2007) 1772–1779. (SCI,EI)
3. Bo Sun, Weigao Ge and Dongxia Zhao, Three positive solutions for multipoint one-dimensional p-Laplacian boundary value problems with dependence on the first order derivative, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 45 (2007) 1170–1178. (SCI, EI)
4. Bo Sun and Weigao Ge, Existence and iteration of positive solutions to a class of Sturm-Liouville-like p-Laplacian boundary value problems, Nonlinear Analysis, 69(2008)1454-1461. (SCI, EI)
5. Bo Sun, Ying Qu and Weigao Ge, Existence and iteration of positive solutions for a multipoint one-dimensional p-Laplacian boundary value problem, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 197 (2008) 389–398. (SCI, EI)
6. Bo Sun, Junfang Zhao, Pinghua Yang and Weigao Ge, Successive Iteration and Positive Solutions for A Third-order Multipoint Generalized Right-focal Boundary Value Problem with p-Laplacian �� Nonlinear Analysis, 70 (2009) 220–230. (SCI, EI)
7. Bo Sun, Chunmei Miao and Weigao Ge, Successive iteration and positive Symmetric solutions for Some Sturm-Liouville-like Four-point p-Laplacian Boundary Value Problems, Applied Mathematics
and Computation, 201(2008)481-488. (SCI,EI)
8. Bo Sun, Xiangkui Zhao and Weigao Ge, Successive Iteration and Positive Solutions for A Multipoint Boundary Value Problem with p-Laplacian, The ANZIAM Journal, 49(2008)551-560. (SCI,EI)
9. Bo Sun, Aijun Yang and Weigao Ge, Successive Iteration and Positive Solutions for Some Second-order Three-point p-Laplacian Boundary Value Problems, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 50(2009)344-350. (SCI, EI)
10. Bo Sun, Weigao Ge, Ying Qu and Liping Du, Three positive solutions for one-dimensional p-Laplacian boundary value problem with a derivative argument, Applied Mathematical Science, 26(2008)1291-1297.
11. Bo Sun, Weigao Ge and Dongxia Zhao, Existence of multiple positive solutions for one-dimensional p-Laplacian boundary value problems with dependence on the first order derivative, Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics, 29(2007) 273-282.
? Research Project
1. Presided over the project of National Natural Science Foundation of China (Tianyuan Fund for Mathematics, NO.11126245).
2. Presided over the project of Youth PhD Development Fund of Central University of Finance and Economics 121 Talent Cultivation Project (NO.QBJZH201004).
3. Presided over the sub-project of Discipline Construction Fund of Central University of Finance and Economics.
4. Participated as a key member in the project of National Natural Science Foundation (NO.10671012), 2006-2009.
5. Participated as a key member in the project of Doctoral Fund of Ministry of Education of China (20050007011), 2005-2007.
Main Courses
Advanced Mathematics, Probability Theory & Mathematical Statistics, Linear algebra, Discrete Mathematics, Ordinary differential equations, etc.
Honors and Awards (partly)
1. Basic Course Teaching Award from Central University of Finance and Economics in 2012.
2. One of the top 10 excellent headteacher from Central University of Finance and Economics in 2012.
3. Excellent award of the 11th competition Multimedia courseware from the Ministry of Education in 2011.
4. Excellent award of the 10th competition Multimedia courseware from the Ministry of Education in 2010.
5. Excellent headteacher award from Central University of Finance and Economics in 2010.
6. Excellent graduates from Beijing Institute of Technology in 2009.