Faculty Overview

Ying Qu

SOURCE :      TIME:2015-01-17

Statistics & Mathematics School
Central University of Finance & Economics
39 S. College Rd., Haidian, Beijing, China 100081
Phone: (86-010)62288657
Email: quying@bbn.cn
B. S. (Mathematics)
   Tianjin University                Tianjin, China        07/1986
M.S. (Mathematics)                            
   Beijing Institute of Technology      Beijing, China       07/2007
Visiting ScholAr      
    UMASS                         Boston, US         8/2009-8/2010
Working Experience
Professor of Applied Mathematics (since 09/2012)
Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics (since 09/2000)
Central University of Finance and Economics         Beijing, China
Lecturer of Applied Mathematics (12/1988 08/2000)
Central University of Finance & Economics          Beijing, China
Academic Interests
Applied and Theory of Differential Equation; The Mathematical Teaching Methodology Researches
Mathematical Analysis; Calculus; Linear Algebra; Probability Theory; Discrete Mathematics; Operations Research  
Selected Publications
China Financial & Economic Publishing House, 1998
1. Qu Ying,<< Oscillation of solutions for second order neutral differential equations>>,
<<Journal of Qiongzhou University>>, April 2004
2. Qu Ying, Li Cuizhe,<< Oscillation criteria for a class of neutral hyperbolic differential eguations>>,<< Journal of Central University of Finance & Economics>>,
December 2005
3. Qu Ying,<< Oscillation of solutions of parabolic delay differential equations>>,<< Journal of Yanbian University>> (Natural Science), March 2006
4. Qu Ying �� Li Cuizhe,<< Oscillation of solutions of delay parabolic differential equations ofnNeutral type>>
<<Journal of Hainan Normal University>> (Natural Science) June 2006
5. Qu Ying, Yu Yuanhong,<< Oscillation criteria for perturbed second order nonlinear differential equations with damping>>,<< Journal of Mathematical Study>>,
Septemble 2006
6. Qu Ying,<< Oscillation criteria for neutral hyperbolic equations with continuous distributed delay>>,<< Journal of Central University of Finance & Economics>> December 2006
7. Qu Ying,<< The discussing about the cultivation of invention quality during mathematic teachings>>,<< The Reformation and Research about the Higher Education>>, December 2006
8. Qu Ying,<< Forced oscillation of parabolic differential equations with several delays>>,
<<Mathematics in practice and theory>>, September 2007
9. Qu Ying ,<< The thinking about the mathematic teaching method of the university>>
<<The Reformation and Research about the Higher Education>> April 2008
10. Sun Bo Qu Ying,<< Existence and iteration of positive solutions for a multipoint one-dimensional p-Laplacian boundary value problem>>,<< Applied Mathematics and Computation >> 2008-06-02
11. Qu Ying,<< On the asymptotic Behavior of Second Order Nonlinear Differential Equations>>
<<Mathematics in practice and theory>> September 2008
12. Qu Ying,<< Model of College Graduates’ Employment Ability Based on Layer Analysis>>,<< Mathematical research and application>>, March 2010
13. Qu Ying, Yang Pinghua,<< Oscillation criteria for a class of partial functional differential equations of higher order>>,<< Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics>> 2012 No.1
14. Qu Ying, Sun Bo,<< Oscillation of Third Order Nonlinear Differential Equations of Neutral Type>>,<< Mathematics in practice and theory>>, March 2011
15. Qu Ying, << Oscillation Theorem of Philos-Type for Third Order Nonlinear Neutral Equations>>
<<Mathematics in practice and theory>>, April 2011
Research projects
1.Hosted the Project “Research on the Behavior and Contribution of Members of the Knowledge-Sharing Community” (Scientific research project at the provincial level)
2. Hosted Project on “How did America’s Well-Rounded Educational System Enlightened the Innovation of China’s Higher Education in Mathematic”
(The project about education reform of the university level) 5/2012-5/2013
3. Co-Investigator: Research of Chinese population ageing and provide for the aged support system (Key scientific research Project of the university level)     09/2004-09/2005
4. Co-Investigator: The application about the analysis of many targets among the teacher appraises system (Scientific research project of the university level) 09/2004-09/2005
5. Co- Investigator: The research about how to enhance the efficiency of the college students’ mathematical practice program and how to improve their mathematical practice ability (The subject about education reform of the university level)
Teaching Course
Higher Mathematics;
Mathematical Analysis;
Linear Algebra;
Probability Theory & Mathematical Statistics;
Discrete Mathematics;
Operations Research  
Academic part-time job and Social Employment
Honors & Awards
1. Won the Second Prize on Young Lecturers Basic Educational Skills Competition in 1994
2. Won the Chen Jiangzhong Basic Educational Awards in 1997
3. Won the Chen Jiangzhong Basic Educational Awards in 2004
4. Won the Chen Wendeng Gold Key Awards of Basic Courses in 2008
5. The article “Oscillation of solutions of parabolic delay differential equations” won the awards on 7th Meeting of Differential Equations Stability and the 6th Biological Dynamics System in 2006