Faculty Overview

Shanghui Jia

SOURCE :      TIME:2015-01-17

Shanghui JIA
Associate Professor
Address: Central University of Finance and Economics, School of Statistics and Mathematics, 39 Xue Yuan Nan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100081 P. R. China
Tel: 8610-62288657
Email: shjia@lsec.cc.ac.cn
Research Interest
1. Computional Mathematics
2. Quantitative Economics
Ph.D. 2007, Mathematics, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
B.S. 2002, Mathematics, Peking University.
2007.7-  Central University of Finance and Economics
2012.9-2013.9  Academic Visitor, University of Oxford
1. Shanghui Jia, Shaoqin Gao and Hehu Xie, Expansions and Extrapolation of Stokes Eigenvalue Problems by Bilinear Element with the Stream Function-Vorticity-Pressure Method, Mathematics in Practice and Theory (in Chinese), Vol.37( 2007) , No.18, 196-198.
2. Shaoqin Gao, Shanghui Jia and Hehu Xie, The Approxiamte Solutions of the Finite Element Method for the Reissner-Mindlin Plate, Mathematics in Practice and Theory(in Chinese),Vol.37( 2007) , No.19, 127-133.
3. Shaoqin Gao, Shanghui Jia and Hehu Xie, Expansions and Extrapolation of Eigenvalue Problems by Quadratic Finite Element Method, Mathematics in Practice and Theory(in Chinese),Vol.37( 2007) , No.20, 189-193.
4. Shanghui Jia, Deli Li, Tangliu and Shuhua Zhang, Richarson Extrapolation and Defect Correction of Mixed Finite Methods For Integro-Differential Equations in Perous Media, Applications of Mathematics, VOL.53( 2008) No.1: 13-39.
5. Shanghui Jia, Hehu Xie, Xiaobo Yin and Shaoqin Gao, Approximation and Eigenvalue Extrapolation of Biharmonic Eigenvalue Problem by Nonconforming Finite Methods, Numerical Methods For Partial Differential Equations, VOL. 24( 2008) , No.2: 435-448
6. Xiaobo Yin, Hehu Xie, Shanghui Jia and Shaoqin Gao, Asymptotic Expansions and Extrapolations of Eigenvalues for the Stokes Problem by Mixed Finite Element Methods, Journal of Computional and Applied Mathematics ,VOL. 215( 2008) , No.1:127-141
7. Hehu Xie and Shanghui Jia, Extraplation for the Second Order Elliptic Problems by Mixed Finite Element Methods in Three Dimensions, International Journal of numerical Analysis and Modeling, Vol.5( 2008) , No 1: 112-131
8. Shanghui Jia, Hehu Xie, Xiaobo Yin and Shaoqin Gao, Approximation and Eigenvalue Extrapolation of Stokes Eigenvalue Problem by Nonconforming Finite Element Methods, Applications of Mathematics, VOL. 54( 2009) , No.1: 1-15.
9. Shanghui Jia, Deli Li and Shuhua Zhang, Asymptotic Expansions and Richardson Extrapolation of Approximate Solutions for Integro-differential Equations by Mixed Finite Element Methods, Advances in Computional Mathematics, VOL. 29( 2009) , No.4: 337- 356.
10. Shanghui Jia, Hehu Xie and Xiaobo Yin, Some Progress on Superconvergence for Mixed
Finite Element Methods, Recent Advances in Computional Sciences (selected papers of the International Workshop on Computional Sciences and Its Education, edited by Palle Jorgensen, Xiaoping Shen, Chiwang Shu and Ningning Yan) ( 2009) , 175-200.
11. Hongtao Chen, Shanghui Jia and Hehu Xie, Postprocessing and Higher Order Convergence for the Mixed Finite Element Approximations of the Stokes Eigenvalue Problems, Applications of Mathematics, VOL. 54( 2009) No.3: 237-250.
12. Shanghui Jia, Changhui Yao and Zhao Yin, Nonconforming FEM Approximation of a Quasilinear Elliptic Problem of Nonmonotone Type, Mathematics in Practice and Theory(in Chinese),Vol.39( 2009) , No.5, 192-197.
13. Changhui Yao, Shanghui Jia and Zhao Yin, Superconvergence Analysis of Nonconforming FEM Approxiamtion of a Quasilinear Elliptic Problem of Nonmonotone Type, Mathematics in Practice and Theory (in Chinese),Vol.39( 2009) , No.6, 219-222.
14. Zhao Yin and Shanghui Jia, Best Approaching of Linear Functional in Reproducing Kernel  Space , Mathematics in Practice and Theory(in Chinese),Vol.39( 2009) , No.10, 239-243.
15. Lihui He, Shanghui Jia, Qunxia Li and Dengyu Ge, Predicting Model for Flow Stress of Mg-Li Alloy in Superplastic State based on Radial basis Function Network, Mathematics in Practice and Theory (in Chinese),Vol.40( 2010) , No.9, 87-92.
16. Shanghui Jia and Hua Li, Black-Scholes Option Pricing Equation’s Adaptive Wavelet Algorithm, Mathematics in Practice and Theory (in Chinese),Vol.40( 2010) , No.10, 193-200.
17. Hongtao Chen, Shanghui Jia and Hehu Xie, Postprocessing and Higher Order Convergence for the Mixed Finite Element Approximations of the Eigenvalue Problem, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 61( 2011) , 615-629.
18. Zhonghua Qiao, Changhui Yao and Shanghui Jia,  Superconvergence and Extrapolation Analysis of a Nonconforming Mixed Finite Element Approximation for Time-Harmonic Maxwell's Equations. Journal of Scientific Computing 46(1): 1-19 (2011).
19. Tong He and Shanghui Jia, A New Method of Mining Affective Transition Law, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 48-49, pp. 84-87.
20. Shanghui Jia, Hehu Xie and Xiaobo Yin, A Type of Finite Element Gradient Recovery Method based on Vertex-Edge Interpolation, Mathematics in Practice and Theory  (in Chinese), Vol.41( 2011) , No.6, 239-243.
21. Changhui Yao and Shanghui Jia, Simulation of reservoir model characterization approximation of binary level set method. Scientia Sinica Mathematica, 2012, 42(5): 455-472.
22. Shanghui Jia and Xiaohui Niu,  From the perspective of empirical analysis on the feasibility of the construction of digital publishing industry base in Beijing, China Publishing  Journal, Vol. 295 (2012) 14: 26-29.
23. Shanghui Jia, Jing Mu and Xiaohui NiuAn Empirical Analysis of the Relationship of the Stock Market and CSI-300 Stock Index Futures Market, Mathematics in Practice and Theory (in Chinese),Vol.42( 2012) , No.24, 97-101.
24. Shanghui Jia and Yelong Liu, Empirical Research of the Effect of RMB's Real Exchange Rate Volatility on the Balance of Trade Between China and USA, Mathematics in Practice and Theory (in Chinese),Vol.43( 2013) , No.1, 69-73.
25. Shanghui Jia and Ling Jiang, Stock Index Futures and Stock Index Correlation Analysis—An Empirical Analysis Based on the CSI-300 Stock Market, Mathematics in Practice and Theory (in Chinese),Vol.43( 2013) , No.2, 92-96.
26. Shanghui Jia, Fenglou An and Xiaohui NiuAn Empirical Analysis of the Relationship of the Stock Market and CSI-300 Stock Index Futures Market, Mathematics in Practice and Theory (in Chinese),Vol.43( 2013) , No.8, 39-43.
27. Shanghui Jia, Hongtao Chen and Hehu Xie, A posteriori estimator for eigenvalue problems by mixed finiite element, Science China, Mathematics �� May 2013, Volume 56, Issue 5, 887-900.
1. Advanced Mathematics (undergraduate course)
2. Calculus (undergraduate course)
3. Probability and Statistics (undergraduate course)
4. Linear Algebra (undergraduate course)